
How Long Does Asparagus Last – Best Ways For Fresh As New Asparagus

Asparagus is a terrific ingredient whether you’re preparing stir-fries, soups, stews, or any recipes. But how long does asparagus last? And how to best store it so that you can cook your fave asparagus dishes all year long? Find out the answers in today’s post.  How Long Does Asparagus Last At Room Temperature?  If you keep it on the countertop or in the cupboard, the quality begins to deteriorate within 2 days, and it turns inedible after approximately 5 days. Because it is a pricy vegetable, it would be a pity to discard asparagus due to deterioration, notably when there are … Read more



Does Protein Make You Poop? The Impact Of Protein-How To Deal With It

Does protein make you poop? Don’t worry about that. You are already ahead of the curve to find out what is happening during your high-protein diet.  There is no doubt that protein has a well-earned reputation for amazing weight loss and bodybuilding results. It helps you stay full and satisfied after your meal. But one of the most common downsides of going with the protein is, ahem, sending you rocket off to the bathroom. Here is why protein makes you poop and how to deal with it.  Does Protein Make You Poop Or Get Constipated? In a nutshell, like any … Read more



An Un-pho-gettable Taste: Is Pho Gluten-Free?

Is Pho Gluten-free? There is a reason Vietnam’s unofficial signature dish is well-loved all over the world, available from Montreal to Melbourne and Moscow. I don’t know what you think, but I’d believe it immediately if someone tells me that a steaming bowl of fragrant pho possesses all the magical properties, including curing disease, hangovers, and restoring the body’s balance.  Although all soups are wonderful, especially in the colder months or on a rainy day when you desire nothing but the warm sensation in your stomach, pho outshines all those other soups since it is great for summer as well. … Read more



White Mold On Bread: Flour Or Mold? (3 Tests To Detect Mold)

Almost everyone has experienced the disappointment of bringing home a loaf of bread from the supermarket on the weekend only to find that it has little white patches. Most of the time, they are white mold on bread; yet sometimes, they’re just flour.  Now, how can you tell these two scenarios apart? If you’re here for the answer, Eatnlivewell got it. The 3 measures below will help you detect moldy bread in no time. What Is Bread Mold? Similarly to mushrooms, molds are fungi. Molds and yeasts get nourishment from the food they feed on, which might be as simple … Read more



Are Trix Gluten-Free? – Some Answers To Your Gluten-Related Questions

Gluten-related diseases like Celiac disease are serious. People suffering from it who accidentally eat food with gluten could be in danger – it triggers an immune response, among other reactions. So, it’s pretty common for you to hear them asking questions like, “Are Trix gluten-free?” Yes, they need to check even the cereals they eat, as even a tiny amount of gluten could be dangerous for them. Although there are far too many popular breakfast cereals out there, Trix seems to be getting more attention. So, are Trix gluten-free and suitable for celiac disease patients? Keep scrolling to find out … Read more



Five Gluten-Related Questions Answered: Are Fritos Gluten-Free?

According to an Irish proverb, “Laughter is brightest where food is best.” This quote is relatable to most people as food is an essential part of life, and when it’s good, it makes a whole lot of difference. Even snacks, which are unhealthy, would make any dull moments better. Unfortunately, some people with dietary restrictions need to ask themselves questions that seem trivial to other people, like, “Are Fritos gluten-free?” before they can indulge in the experience. While most people can just straight away open a bag of chips and snack away, it’s going to be different for other people, … Read more



The Tell-Tale Of Spring: What Does Rhubarb Taste Like?

Rhubarb is weird. Unlike other strange foods such as tofu or cottage cheese, everyone kind of knows what it is, yet it still remains a mystery to most of us. Like, perhaps you have tasted a slice of rhubarb cake or a piece of rhubarb pie before, but can you remember the last time you purchased it from the grocery store? Can you even answer the question, ‘What does rhubarb taste like?’ My introduction to rhubarb came in the form of a slice of strawberry-rhubarb pie with a flake crust and a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. I … Read more



What Does Tofu Taste Like? – A Complete Guide To The “Tofu Culture”

‘What does tofu taste like?’ has been a rising question among gourmets. Being known as a rich source of vegan proteins, this plant-based food is getting more and more popular in the Western world, but it has long been a staple in cuisines across Asia for centuries. Even if you are a tofu-virgin, perhaps you have seen this plain beige-colored block in the local grocery store at least once. However, having traveled to East and Southern Asian countries, I’d say it’s much more than that: Tofu appears on the dinner table almost every night, in a variety of preparations. It … Read more



From Medicine To Bubble Tea: What Does Taro Taste Like?

“Okay, okay. You know what’s gonna make you feel instantly better?” “Death?” “No. It’s taro bubble tea. Let’s go get some.”  Any boba-holic would remember this conversation from Netflix’s huge hit “Ginny & Georgia”. Fine, maybe it’s not exactly what Abby told Maxime after her breakup, but you have to agree, it is super relatable. Taro bubble tea is usually one of the bestsellers at café thanks to the Instagram-able purple shade, creamy texture, and sweet taste. We can write an essay about how this drink is a blessing from God, but say, do you even know what does taro … Read more



Why Do People Eat Cornstarch Straight From The Box When?

If you’ve been active on your social media, you’ve probably seen some weird content that people are into; one of them is eating cornstarch. These apps are a cesspool of the most bizarre content, after all, and eating cornstarch is relatively normal compared to the other stuff there. But if that sounds weird to you, you have to know that you don’t have to be in the dark corners of the web to see videos of eating cornstarch as there are ASMR videos and cornstarch eating challenges with the hashtag #CornstarchEating on TikTok and YouTube. But why do people eat … Read more

