
Throw Your Chicken Away: How Long Can Cooked Chicken Sit Out?

By: Emily Harrison


In many homes, chicken is regarded as a basic. But unfortunately, there is a significant danger of germ poisoning with this nutritious and tasty protein supply. That’s why it’s critical to prepare, store, and cook it appropriately; otherwise, it poses the risk of foodborne disease. 

If you’re wondering, “How long can cooked chicken sit out?” and how to store cooked chicken effectively, today’s post is for you. Read on for helpful tips and advice.

How Long Can Cooked Chicken Sit Out?

According to Usda, you could safely keep cooked chicken outside at room temp for 120 minutes maximum and 60 minutes if the temperature exceeds 90ºF.

You could only consume chicken that hasn’t been left out for over 2 hours. – Delish

Cooked chicken, which has been left out for more than that, should be tossed away. The explanation for this is that germs develop quickly if the cooked chicken is stored at temps ranging from 40° F to 140° F. Freeze the cooked chicken as soon as possible to avoid food poisoning.

There are several common misconceptions concerning food safety. For example, the most frequent method is to put the chicken in a container to keep it edible for longer time. This is incorrect, and you should be aware of it for the benefit of your well-being.

Although putting the chicken in a container prevents airborne pollutants from contacting and harming the chicken, the actual problem is the chicken meat. Bacteria will develop inside the food even when it is wrapped.

How Long Can You Keep Cooked Chicken In The Fridge?

Any remains should be consumed within 3 to 4 days. After this stage, the chicken will start to deteriorate. 

Refrigerated chicken could last for 3 to 4 days. – Better Homes and Gardens

You should store cooked chicken in the coolest region of the refrigerator for optimal outcomes. Because the temp of the fridge increases slightly each time you open it up, it’s best to keep the meat toward the back on a bottom rack. Cover the remains as firmly as feasible in airtight bags or heavy-duty clingfilm.

Note that you could always store cooked chicken in the freezer if you don’t plan to consume them after 4 days. If you wait for longer, you might risk spoiling the chicken.

Does BBQ Sauce Help Chicken Last Longer?

This is yet another misconception about food standards. You might store sugar-based condiments for a long while, but they will not assist in preserving cooked chicken. Regardless of what condiment is on the chicken, you must refrigerate it within the specified time range.

How Long Can Raw Chicken Sit Out?

Within the standard room temp of 70°F (21°C), a raw, fresh chicken could only sit out for 120 minutes (the 2-hour principle). Because dangerous germs multiply quicker in a hotter area, if you leave your uncooked chicken out at a high temp, it will deteriorate faster.

What Happens If You Eat Spoiled Chicken?

Foodborne diseases, commonly referred to as food poison, can be caused by rancid chicken.

Chicken possesses a higher risk of foodborne illness due to the development of germs such as Campylobacter, Salmonella, and others. However, once you properly cook raw chicken, these germs are usually removed.

Eating spoiled chicken results in various illnesses. – The Spruce Eats

Cooking and consuming expired chicken is not at all a good idea. While re-heating or cooking will destroy surface germs, it won’t eliminate some of the germ’s poisons, which can cause foodborne illness if eaten.

Foodborne illness can produce a severe fever (over 101.5°F or 38.6°C), shivers, stomachache, vomiting, gastroenteritis, severe diarrhea, and exhaustion, among other unpleasant and sometimes deadly effects.

Severe foodborne illness might result in hospitalization and even fatality in extreme circumstances. If you think your chicken has gone bad, don’t eat it. It’s advisable to toss out any chicken that appears to have gone rancid.

How To Tell If Chicken Is Spoiled

There are 4 primary techniques to determine whether or not the chicken has been ruined. You may apply these techniques to chicken kept in your refrigerator or to any other poultry.

If the product’s “best by” timestamp is gone, it is advisable not to consume the meat. If it gets nasty or displeasing, throw it and avoid being sick.

Then, evaluate the chicken’s look. Is there anything out of the ordinary? For example, if the meat has begun to deteriorate, the skin might develop a grayish, greenish, or bluish tinge.

The outer look and smell tells a lot about the chicken’s status. – 12 Tomatoes

If there is anything wrong with the appearance of the meat, you would not want to consume it. You may also inspect it to check whether there is any mold growth. If there are, you must throw the chicken away.

Finally, whether the chicken is uncooked or cooked, consider its texture. If the chicken possesses a nasty feeling, it’s time to throw it out. Do not consume it!

What If The Chicken Still Looks and Smells Fine?

Chicken that has sat on the countertop for several hours will not exhibit any indications of deterioration. Even when you leave it on the table overnight, it should still seem and feel good. This does not imply that it is good to ingest. 

Similarly, don’t try to eat it first. Likewise, even when the meal does not seem unpleasant, it can still induce foodborne illness even if you just take a little bite.

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How Long Can You Store Cooked Chicken In The Freezer?

On paper, frozen chickens may be kept in the refrigerator forever if the fridge temp remains constant at 0℉. In reality, however, we advise that any remaining cooked proteins be thawed and consumed within 4 months. If you leave the meat out for too long, it may lose its delicious flavor.

Frozen chicken could last about 4 months. – Eat at Home Cooks

While keeping chicken in the fridge, utilize sealed containers or ziplock wrappers. If any additional air remains in the container, the remaining chicken will be susceptible to freezer burn. 

Write the date you freeze the chicken on the container, ensuring that you mention the spices or condiments you utilized if any.

How To Freeze Cooked Chicken Effectively

Try these quick instructions to freezing the meat properly. When these steps are followed, the chicken will deliver the optimal outcomes.

To store chicken in the freezer, employ a ziplock bag or a sealed container. On the package, make a note, like “cooked chicken,” and timestamp it.

Freezing chicken is super easy. – Recipe Marker

Then, discharge all of the air. This step will be easier if you find a method to vacuum seal it. If you don’t have one, you might immerse everything but the zipper under water to try getting the air out.

Ensure that your storing container is well-sealed. Afterward, put it in the fridge.

How To Thaw Frozen Chicken 

There are various effective methods for thawing frozen chicken. Please remember that these methods do not involve defrosting on the countertop at room temperature or in a bucket of lukewarm water.

Both are unhealthy because they expose the chicken to unsafe temperatures that enable germs to increase fast. The harmful temperatures range from 40 to 140℉.

The most effective methods to thaw frozen chicken are placing it in the fridge, in a basin of tepid water, or even inside the microwave in the thaw setting. Each of them enables the chicken to be defrosted appropriately.

Refrigerator Thawing

Defrosting chicken in the fridge entails putting frozen chicken straight into your fridge and leaving it to soften in the cool section. 

Refrigerator thawing chickens is the easiest method. – The Kitchn

The time it needs for the chicken to defrost varies depending on how big it is. A thinner chicken piece, for instance, usually takes around 24 hours to defrost in the refrigerator.

Parts of chicken containing bones take a bit more time to cook, generally about 48 hours. Therefore, the USDA advises that chicken parts could be stored in the refrigerator 24 to 48 hours after being thawed.

Cold Water Thawing

Whenever a cut of frozen chicken is put in a basin of iced water to defrost, it is referred to as “cold water thawing.” The meat is then submerged in ice-cold water until the ice melts. It can be taken out and cooked once it has thawed.

The duration to defrost chicken pieces in iced water ranges from 60 to 120 minutes. Bigger chunks of chicken will need far more time to defrost in ice water, perhaps up to 3 to 4 hours. In addition, it might be tricky to defrost an entire chicken using this technique because its body would have to be immersed under water as a whole.

Microwave Thawing

The quickest and easiest method to thaw frozen chicken is to nuke it. It’s as simple as putting your meat inside the microwave and observing it. If your microwave possesses a defrost function, you’ll want to use it to thaw the food.

To achieve this at home, double-check the microwave’s handbook to make sure you know how things work. Most just need you to push the thaw option and then enter how heavy your meat is.

Microwaving frozen chickens is also a helpful method. – Epicurious

After a certain period has passed, it will ask you to turn the meat. Because of the special nature of microwave defrost, any chicken defrost using this technique should be processed and cooked immediately. 

Raw chicken should not be stored in the refrigerator again after being thawed inside the microwave.

How Long Is Thawed Chicken Good For?

The basic idea is that uncooked defrosted chicken will survive 1 to 2 days in the refrigerator. On the other hand, this period starts when the chicken has been thoroughly thawed.

However, the exact amount of time a chicken could last in a refrigerator is determined by a few things. Whether your frozen chicken is uncooked or cooked is among the elements to consider. An additional element is the technique you choose to defrost your chicken. 

Wrapping Up

Hopefully, now you grasp how long cooked chicken can sit out and the best way to store it. However, always double-check your chicken before reheating or consuming it despite the specified time. Otherwise, you risk having food poisoning and other severe conditions.

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