
Can Pregnant Women Eat Lobster? 4 Things Mothers-To-Be Need

By: Emily Harrison


Lobster is a craving of so many people, including mothers-to-be. But can pregnant women eat lobster? and will there be anything to look out for? If that’s what you’re asking, you’re at the right place. This article will tell you everything you need to know about consuming lobsters and seafood while pregnant.

Can You Eat Lobster While Pregnant?

Absolutely yes! 

Many people are afraid of having seafood during pregnancy as high in mercury seafood is harmful to your baby’s growing neurological mechanism. Luckily, lobsters aren’t one of those.

You can eat lobsters during pregnancy! – Pregnancy Food Guide

Indeed, FDA discovered some significant findings regarding lobsters’ mercury levels in research:

  • The usual mercury level in spiny lobster is 0.093 ppm.
  • Northern / American lobsters exhibit an average mercury content of 0.107 ppm.

Given that the FDA considers anything under 0.1ppm to be low in mercury, lobsters are low in mercury. Thus, it’s safe to consume.

Since lobster is low in mercury seafood, the main safety issue, according to Naze, is that it be appropriately stored, handled, and thoroughly cooked. This holds true for both live and refrigerated lobsters consumed at home or in fine dining.

Besides being tasty, lobsters also deliver a variety of minerals that are advised for prenatal eating. Indeed, lobsters belong to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s list of “Best Choices” for seafood eating for pregnant women due to their low mercury concentration and health advantages.

Yet, each pregnancy is unique. If you have any concerns about consuming lobster during pregnancy, talk to a medical expert about your specific situation.

You can have lobsters while pregnant. However, to limit the danger of disease and other impacts, you must grasp various safety requirements.

Food Preparation 

When it comes to lobsters, it’s crucial to follow a few easy cooking guidelines. The essential tips are to ensure appropriate preservation and check the expiry date. Also, minimize cross-contamination while cooking your lobsters.

Since lobsters spoil fast, it is frequently bought alive and should be kept that way until you cook them to maintain delicacy and quality. Preferably, prepare your lobsters on the same day you get them. A live lobster is more delectable than a dead one. 

If properly handled, lobsters should pose no harm to pregnant women. – Dr. Stephen Morris

In addition, the shell should be firm and not slimy, odorous, mossy, or fractured.

Also, never freeze smoked lobsters unless they are packaged, shelf-stable, or in a recipe in which your lobsters have been heated to 165°F.


During pregnancy, your immune mechanism isn’t as stable, leaving you and your child more vulnerable to germs and parasites found in uncooked or mishandled seafood. Such problems can worsen throughout pregnancy and result in miscarriage or premature birth.

Certain food poisoning conditions, such as Listeria and Toxoplasma gondii, might harm your infant even when you experience no symptoms. Cooking your lobsters to an inside temp of 145°F is another food safety precaution.

Properly cooked, shrimps, lobsters, and scallops must be creamy white.

Environmental Hazards

Before buying any lobster, ensure that you know where it comes from. Read your local seafood warnings since there might be contaminants in the water.

It’s best to check the origin of your lobsters before buying them. – Delish 

Fundamentally, you need to guarantee that your lobsters (and every other seafood) are from polluted-free areas. You may figure this out by asking local fishers or googling it yourself.


Another tip to consuming lobsters safely during pregnancy is to follow seafood guidelines. The standard estimate for weekly seafood intake is 8 to 12 oz.

Can You Eat Crawfish While Pregnant?

100% yes! Crawfish are absolutely safe to consume if cooked thoroughly.

Indeed, if you are all about crawfish, don’t worry about putting the delectable seafood on the “no” list while pregnant. Like lobsters, crawfish are deemed low in mercury, with an estimate of 0.033 ppm of mercury.

Further reading

Should You Eat Seafood During Pregnancy? 

You should. However, make sure it’s low in mercury. Check for FDA’s recommended seafood during pregnancy in the picture below.

FDA’s recommended seafood table for pregnancy. – US Food and Drug Administration

Many research has demonstrated that the advantages of consuming low-mercury seafood (such as lobster) during pregnancy outweigh the concerns.

According to National Center for Biotechnology Information’s research, participants who consumed fewer omega-3 fatty acids from seafood faced an increased risk of developing depression throughout pregnancy and after delivery. The findings of this study confirmed that expectant mothers’ mental health might benefit from consuming seafood.

A USC’s research observed 805 mom-kid couples and questioned how much seafood the mothers consumed while pregnant. 

Kids aged 6 to 12 of mothers who had around one to 3 servings of seafood per week during pregnancy were analyzed. The kids showed lower metabolic syndrome ratings, which suggested they were less prone to diseases and diabetic conditions.

Low-mercury seafood is beneficial for pregnant women. – Richmond Magazine 

Consuming seafood during pregnancy might help your kid be more intelligent and well. An Environ Health Perspect’s study of over 12,000 mothers found that kids of mothers who consumed over 2 portions of seafood each week outperformed kids born to mothers who consumed less seafood on cognitive, behavioral, and growth testing.

The same study revealed that 6-month-old newborns whose moms consumed 2 or more portions of low-mercury seafood per week during pregnancy performed better visually than kids whose moms did not. Therefore, expectant mothers should consume 8 to 12 oz of seafood every week to reap all the nutritional advantages.

Wrapping Up 

Pregnant women can eat lobster! There are a lot of problems when it comes to eating high mercury seafood, but this is not the case with lobsters.

Therefore, don’t hesitate to add lobsters to your pregnancy menu. This delectable seafood offers many health advantages as long as it is appropriately handled. If you need further advice on lobster consumption during pregnancy, talk to your doctor. Visit our page for further nutritious reads.

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