
When Was Sitting Down Discovered? An Exciting History

Is it possible to conceive why humankind has sat for so much time? If we convert all human civilization into a single day, we will sit for just 0.1% of it, approximately 200 years after the beginning of time. The need was once innovative, though, seems obvious when we look back, like ‘how to get self tanner off hands’ 1000 years from now. Was sitting down discovered, or was it present in a previous form? When was sitting down discovered? Let’s find out with Eatnlivewell. The Early Day The origins of sitting are indeed lost in the past. However, history … Read more



Are Grits Gluten-free? The Secret To A Healthy Life

Grits are many things: They’re delicious, versatile, and oh-so-easy to make. Being affordable sources of carbohydrates and protein, they’re also an excellent base for all kinds of grain products. But should we really eat it? Are grits gluten-free? What do they even taste like? If you are hesitant to try it, we totally get you! Everyone wants to eat healthily, and you will be one step closer to your dream diet with today’s info-filled article, so hold your spoon, and let’s get started! What Are Grits? What Are Some Types Of Grits? Grits is an easy meal made from white … Read more



Can You Eat Pepperoni About The Seasoned Sausage Answered

Pepperoni is a food that many enjoy on its own, but they’re ingredients found on pizzas and many pasta recipes most of the time. However, not many people know how this sausage is processed and produced, which begs the question: Can you eat pepperoni raw? Of course, being a foodie doesn’t mean you’re also good at cooking your food. So, it’s only natural for many food lovers to want to get their cravings quenched without much effort. Let’s face it – cooking and preparing your food is tiring, not to mention the dishes that need washing after.  So, it’s only … Read more



Make Panera Chipotle Chicken Avocado Melt Like A Professional Chef

Instead of traditional sandwiches with familiar flavors, the Panera sandwich is an excellent alternative for a delicious, convenient, and nutritious meal. Instead of eating out, try new recipes at home, such as Panera chipotle chicken avocado melt. Here are some delectable Panera dishes recipes from a professional chef that will surprise your tastebud. Recipe of Panera Chipotle Chicken Avocado Melt Panera’s chipotle chicken avocado melt sandwich is made with tender chicken and flavorful smoked gouda. In addition to the meat’s sweetness, this sandwich is served with butter and cream to enhance the flavor. Calorie value One Panera chipotle chicken avocado … Read more



How Long Does Soup Last In The Fridge? Ways To Store Soup At Home

We’ve all been there when we accidentally cook too much soup and don’t want to waste it. In such cases, most of us will put it in the fridge. Yet, do you know how long does soup last in the fridge? Today’s article will answer your question. We’ll also introduce the 2 best ways to store soup effectively at home. How Long Does Homemade Soup Last In The Fridge?  Usually, soup lasts in the fridge for up to 72 hours. However, based on specific ingredients and soup types, the shelf life of soups varies. Indeed, a simple, vegetable-based dish containing acidic … Read more



Is Whey Gluten-free? 4 Best Gluten-free Whey Powder Products

Whey protein drinks are widespread among gym-goers and people who want to ensure they receive adequate protein during the day. But is whey gluten-free?  If you’re stuck with this question, today’s post is for you! Keep on reading to know the answer. We’ll also introduce the 4 best whey protein products for gluten-sensitive people!   Note: This blog contains relevant Amazon products that we earn a small commission to fund our blog while not incurring any extra cost to you.   What Is Whey? And Is Whey Gluten-free? Whey is a naturally existing substance abundant in cow’s milk, and it accounts for … Read more



Making Your Mouth Water: How To Thicken Mashed Potatoes?

Thanksgiving is, without a doubt, the best holiday of the year for foodies like myself.  As soon as Halloween is over and I wake up from my sugar coma to find myself surrounded by candy wrappers and chocolate in my bed, it’s November, and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I love Thanksgiving because it brings family members together and I get to sleep without having to set my alarm for a week straight.  But, more than anything, I love mashed potatoes. I don’t know if it’s just some deep-rooted Irish complex, but my mouth waters as soon as I … Read more



Not Fried Chicken Ice Cream Will Make You Think Again

If you can only keep one thing in mind, it’s that you shouldn’t trust anything you see, hear, or read on the Internet. With the recent “things that don’t seem like cakes but are, in fact, cakes” trend, foodaholics will know what I mean. But there is another viral treat that can give us an equally mind-blowing example of dessert deception: Not fried chicken ice cream. Think You’ve Got Yourself A Drumstick Of Fried Chicken? Think Again!  If you look at this:  Not Fried Chicken Ice Cream – Source: Allrecipes You would immediately assume they are drumsticks of fried chicken, … Read more



Create Your Style: Simple Technique To Tie Dye Shirt With Bleach

You already know that fast fashion, which requires us to keep purchasing new, cheap clothes, has detrimental effects on both society and the environment. For instance, the production of a single tee and a pair of jeans uses 20,000 liters of water. And around the world, we consume more than 80 billion pieces of clothing each year. What an insane number! With that in mind, perhaps one of your new year’s resolutions was to make more eco-friendly choices. But hey, I can understand your pain: The urge to add a new lease of life to the wardrobe is simply irresistible. … Read more



Chick-fil-A Sauce’s Calories & The Original Chicken Sandwich's Home

It’s essential for businesses to build their reputation that could, later on, become a brand. There isn’t a lot that has done an excellent job of using their chicken meals and sauce as their main products for restaurants. Of course, there’s KFC, and then there’s also Chick-fil-A which has been around since 1964, making them the “Home of the Original Chicken Sandwich”. They also have their infamous sauce that many love and patronize for its awesome flavor, but it doesn’t mean their food are healthy – well, what can you expect from fast food? So, let’s look at the history … Read more

